Pride Gym Level Testing – 2019

Its the end of year for our kids and Youth classes and some of our members had the chance to do their short level testing.
Oberon Kennedy-Scheck, Caleb Nekrasoff, Nicole Woods and Christopher Tadevic have been training over the past 8+ years and now have completed the Youth program and achieved their Black Level Shorts.
Tyler Stubbs, Gray Uzeloc, Lelu Keaney and Seth Watmough received their yellow level shorts.
Darcie New, Conner Lesergent, Connor Marsh, Oliver Marsh, Shye Causey and Ryan Dunn received their green level shorts.
Connor Ratcliffe, Grayce Ratcliffe and Hudson Richardson received their red level shorts.
Jaden Hunter-Oglow received blue level shorts.
We look forward to them and others returning to continue Muay Thai training in September.
2019 Level Testing Photo Gallery
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